Jeu en Ligne Naruto » Liste des amis de vegtal


Bon Genin
Konoha no Kuni
Né le 29 Juillet 1992 - Vit à paque rabbits =_=' - Inscrit le 13/11/2006 à 17:56
Ses loisirs:Make the same thing(matter) as yesterday !
Il aime:To read again all the naruto, me to enmerder has to speak, to kill the ken
Il déteste:Plenter the others spot, stupid apopries my proprieter, idiot says vous me (I am not with my zumeau when I speak about T_T)
Son rêve:Help the kikoolol for their future, because he(it) will not be famous surtous on a site Y_Y

Amis de vegtal:
Gekko - Céréales Killa
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Neji-64 - Excellent Genin
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ouram - Excellent Genin
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séphira - Excellent Genin
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Serafina - GrillePain Sadique
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