Jeu en Ligne Naruto » Profil de AxellSon


Konoha no Kuni
AxellSon Ryuketsu no yume
Né le 30 Mars 1995 - Vit à fond - Inscrit le 16/06/2008 à 21:27
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki
Il aime:Winning has a price. Leadership has a price. I pushed people when they didn't wanna be pushed. I challenged them when they didn't wanna be challenged. But I never asked them to do something I wasn't willing to do myself.
Son rêve:[The End]

Expérience15680 Ninjutsu
AxellSon ne fait parti d'aucune équipe.
Nrutos396846 Taijutsu
Niveau Genjutsu

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